
15th Oct 2020

International Travel Quarantine & Covid 19

International Travel & Quarantine



How to self-isolate


You should self-isolate in the ONE place for the full 14 days.  You must STAY AWAY from other people in the household.  You MUST self-isolate at the address provided on your passenger locator form


If you develop any symptoms within your 14 day isolation period

  • If you are symptomatic early in your self-isolation and recover before day 14 you will still have to complete the full 14 day self-isolation period
  • If you are symptomatic later then you will need to be in self-isolation for 14 days PLUS the time to recovery. This means that after symptom onset you should remain in isolation for a further 10 days and be symptom free (no fever) for a minimum of 48 hours (whichever is the longer period)
  • These rules are specifically for people travelling into Scotland since Monday 8 June.



Within your accommodation


  • Avoid contact with other people in your accommodation
  • The people you are staying with to DO NOT need to stay at home (unless they travelled from outside the UK with you)
  • Avoid contact with anyone in your household  
  • Minimise the time you spend in shared places such as kitchen, bathroom or sitting areas
  • Stay in a well ventilated room with a window to the outside that can be opened, separate from other people in your home
  • IF you can, you should use a separate bathroom from the rest of the household.  IF you do have to share these facilities, regular cleaning will be required after each person has used them.
  • Make sure you use separate towels from other people in your household, both for hand drying and for drying yourself after showering/bathing



Information needed for the Passenger Locator Form


  • Passport details
  • Name of airline, train or ferry company you're travelling with
  • The name of the company organising your tour group (if applicable)
  • Your booking reference
  • The name of the airport, port or station you'll be arriving into
  • The date you'll be arriving
  • Your flight, train or ferry number
  • The address you'll be staying at for the first 14 days in the UK
  • Details of someone who can be contacted if you get ill whilst you're in the UK


If you're travelling by Eurostar or Eurotunnel:

  • Put "Eurostar" or "Eurotunnel" when the form asks "What is the flight number, train service or ship name that you will arrive on?"
  • Provide your scheduled time of departure



Country exemptions



You can only leave your accommodation in the following LIMITED circumstances


  • You require medical assistance
  • You need to travel to leave Scotland, provided that you do so directly
  • You need access to basic necessities like food or medicine - please try to arrange for these to be delivered to you instead to reduce the number of times you need to leave your accommodation
  • You need to access critical public services such as social services and victim support services, but only in EXCEPTIONAL circumstance
  • On compassionate grounds where you need to go to the funeral of someone in your household or a close relative, or where no-one else is attending a friend
  • You need to fulfil a legal obligation such as participate in legal proceedings
  • You need to access public services (including social services or victim services) where access to those services is critical to your wellbeing and cannot be provided at your accommodation
  • There's an emergency which puts you at risk in your accommodation



You are not allowed to change the place where you are self-isolating except in very limited circumstances


See below:

  • A legal obligation requires you to change address, such as if you are a child whose parents live separately, and you need to move between homes as part of a shared custody agreement
  • It is necessary for you to stay overnight at accommodation before travelling to the place where you will self-isolating for the remainder of 14 days
  • There's an emergency that puts you at risk in your accommodation

(if this happens, you should provide full details of each address where you will self-isolate on the passenger locator form











Washing your hands and keeping good hygiene


  • EVERYONE should wash their hands regularly - this is particularly important for people who have recently travelled to the UK as you could have contracted Coronavirus but not yet developed symptoms
  • Wash your hands frequently with soap and hot water, for at LEAST 20 seconds, rinse and dry thoroughly
  • Use alcohol-based hand sanitiser if soap and water are not available
  • Avoid touching your nose, eyes, and mouth with unwashed hands
  • Cover your nose AND mouth with a disposable tissue when you cough or sneeze
  • Dispose of tissues into a plastic waste bag, and immediately wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, rinse and dry thoroughly



AFTER 14 days 


  • If you have NO symptoms of Coronavirus after 14 days, you can stop self-isolating
  • You will have to follow the same rules as others who are living in Scotland 



What should you do if you get Coronavirus Symptoms?


If you develop any of the symptoms of COVID-19 while you are in Scotland, you and your household should self-isolate.


A reminder of the symptoms are:

  • New continuous cough
  • Fever/high temperature (37.8C or greater)
  • Loss of, or change in, sense of smell or taste (anosmia)


A new continuous cough is where you:

  • have a new cough that has lasted for an hour
  • have had 3 or more episodes of coughing in 24 hours
  • are coughing more than usual


A high temperature is feeling hot to the touch on your chest or back (you don't need to measure your temperature). You may feel warm, cold or shivery.



Coronavirus Testing

  • Can be booked here









Below are the guidelines on when to self-isolate:



  • You have any symptoms of Coronavirus

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Become a Host Family with Edinburgh Guardian Angels

Opening up your home to become a host family with Edinburgh Guardian Angels is a unique, rewarding, fun and educational experience for all the family. It gives families a chance to meet new friends and experience different cultures and languages.

Welcoming an international student into your home will allow them to experience maximum immersion by living as ‘locals’. Also, hosting a foreign student gives them the opportunity to understand and experience Scottish culture.

To find out more, email Agnes at

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