
15th Oct 2020

Host Family Contingency Plans

To Host Families: 




This plan is written for Edinburgh Guardian Angels Host families who are hosting students during the Coronavirus outbreak.  

We can only place students into our host family at this time if the host has agreed to the guidelines set out in this plan which deals with a situation where the school is closed and, a student arrives at their house with symptoms or presents with symptoms whilst they are there. 

If students are showing symptoms when the school is closed, we would not have an alternative place to house them.  This obviously presents an unacceptable safeguarding concern, so we need to make sure our Host Families are prepared to keep the student if this happens and follow the plan below.

We urge you to have an individual house plan in place in preparation for you, your family members or your student falling ill.  

Please explain this to your student when they arrive.

Please ensure you have sufficient cleaning products, soap, paracetamol, tissues and have a general plan in place following the guidance below.




Host Family Contingency Plan

The host family should be happy to keep the student under their care, in their home, should they themselves, any family members or the student present with symptoms. The host should then follow PHE advice for themselves and other family members and specifically follow the advice below in relation to Edinburgh Guardian Angels students.

PHE guidance

Edinburgh Guardian Angels Students who present with symptoms whilst at the Host Family

If your student presents with possible symptoms of coronavirus infection (COVID-19), however mild, please follow these instructions:
  • Inform Edinburgh Guardian Angels by calling 07931-408977 and ask to speak to Agnes Masters. If out of hours please call 07931 408 977 or email
  • Edinburgh Guardian Angels will then take responsibility of communicating with parents and assisting you and offering telephone and email support
  • Do not permit your student to leave your home for 14 days from when their symptoms start (this action will help protect others in your community while they are infectious). All other household members who remain well must stay at home and not leave the house for 14 days. The 14-day period starts from the day when the first person in the household became ill.
  • Plan ahead and ask others for help (food shopping and medication collecting etc) to ensure that you can successfully stay at home to care of your student.
  • Ask your student to stay at least 2 metres (about 3 steps) away from other people in your home if possible.
  • Your student should have a single room available to them should they fall ill.
  • Your student should ideally have their own bathroom to use but if this is not possible, they should be asked to clean the surfaces and toilet each time they use it. Please have cleaning items available to them and show them this when they first arrive.
  • All family members, including your student, should wash their hands regularly for 20 seconds, each time using soap and water, or use hand sanitiser.
  • You should ask your student to stay away from vulnerable individuals, such those with underlying health condition and anyone over the age of 70.
  • You do not need to call NHS 111 to place a student into isolation.  If your student�s symptoms worsen during home isolation or are no better after 7 days, contact NHS 111 online.  If you have no internet access, call NHS 111. For a medical emergency dial 999.





Below are the guidelines on when to self-isolate:



  • You have any symptoms of Coronavirus
  • You've tested positive for Coronavirus 
  • You live with someone who has symptoms of Coronavirus
  • You live with someone who has tested positive for Coronavirus
  • Someone in your support bubble has symptoms or tested positive
  • You're told to self-isolate by NHS track and trace OR the NHS COVID-19 app
  • You arrive in the UK from a country with high Coronavirus risk


How to self-isolate

  • DO NOT go to school, public places or work
  • DO NOT go on public transport OR use taxis
  • DO NOT go out to get food or medicine - order it online or by phone, or ask someone to bring it to your home
  • DO NOT have visitors in your home, including friends and family - except for people providing essential care
  • DO NOT go out and exercise - exercise in your home or garden, if you have one


You will have to self-isolate for 14 days if someone you live with have symptoms or have tested positive


Coronavirus Testing

  • Can be booked here




Do your part to stop the spread of seasonal flu at childcare facilities and schools


Do your part to stop the spread of seasonal flu at colleges and universities


Do your part to stop the spread of seasonal flu at home


We hope this helps. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any queries.

Kind regards

Agnes Masters

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Become a Host Family with Edinburgh Guardian Angels

Opening up your home to become a host family with Edinburgh Guardian Angels is a unique, rewarding, fun and educational experience for all the family. It gives families a chance to meet new friends and experience different cultures and languages.

Welcoming an international student into your home will allow them to experience maximum immersion by living as ‘locals’. Also, hosting a foreign student gives them the opportunity to understand and experience Scottish culture.

To find out more, email Agnes at

Aegis Care Inspectorate Boarding Schools' Association SACPA