
16th May 2020

Safeguarding Policy



Safeguarding Policy



What is safeguarding?


Safeguarding is the action that is taken to promote the welfare of children and protect them from harm.


Safeguarding means

·         Protecting children from abuse and maltreatment

·         Preventing harm to children's health or development

·         Ensuring children grow up with the provision of safe and effective care

·         Taking action to enable all children and young people to have the best outcomes


Child protection is part of the safeguarding process. It focuses on protecting individual children identified as suffering or likely to suffer significant harm. This included child protection procedures which detail how to respond to concerns about a child.


Safeguarding children and child protection guidance and legislation applies to all children up to the age of 18.



What do I need to do to safeguard children in my care?


·         All adults have a responsibility to safeguard children

·         Anyone can a make a referral to social work or police directly if they wish.  They may feel that they do not want to advise the EGA organisation initially especially if the concern is about someone within the organisation


Organisations need to make sure that the way they work with children keeps them safe and does not place them at unacceptable risk of harm


They can do this through

·         Establishing, implementing and following good safeguarding policies and procedures including safe recruitment

·         Ensuring all volunteers are aware of and follow the organisations safeguarding policies and procedures

·         Ensuring that all volunteers receive child protection training


Safeguarding Policy



Key Contacts




Contact Number

Edinburgh Guardian Angels

Designated Child Protection Officer


Agnes Masters

01875 614245

07931 408977

EGA Assistant

Designated Child Protection Officer

Lorraine Forbes

07729 034981

EGA Assistant

Designated Child Protection Officer

Liz Turner

07752 180331

East Lothian & Midlothian

Public Protection Committee

Brunton Hall

Ladywell Way


EH21 6AF

Designated Officer

Neil Whettan

0131 653 5152



























1.    Introduction


This policy is addressed to all Edinburgh Guardian Angels (the Guardianship Organisation) staff and host family members and contractors.  It is distributed to all new staff members on commencement of their employment and all Host Families on completion of their successful application with us.  It is also available on our website at under our Policies Tab (website to be updated).


This policy I in line with the requirements of the Association of Education and Guardianship on International Students (AEGIS) and National minimum Boarding Standards.



2.    Policy Statement


Safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children is everyone’s responsibility.  Everyone who comes into contact with children has a role to play in safeguarding children.  In order to fulfil this responsibility effectively, EGA requires all staff and host family members to make sure their approach is always a child-centred one.  This means that they should consider at all times, what is the best interests of the child.


This policy should be used in conjunction with the following documents which can all be found on the Gov.UK website under the Safeguarding heading.

Alternatively, these documents can be provided to you by us in hard copy if preferred and requested:


·         Working Together to Safeguard Children 2015


·         Keeping Children Safe in Education 2016


·         What to do if you are worried if a child is being abused 2015








Every student should feel safe and protected from any form of abuse which, in this policy means and king of emotional, physical, sexual or neglect or sexual exploitation.  EGA is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and expects all staff and host families to share this commitment.





2.1       Edinburgh Guardian Angels (hereafter referred to as EGA) HOST Families will:


2.1.1    treat all students with care and respect according to their needs

2.1.2    attend Compulsory Child Protection Training with EGA which will include Safeguarding responsibilities

2.1.3    read and understand the Safeguarding Policy

2.1.4    be alert to signs of abuse whilst EGA children are in their care

2.1.5    deal immediately with every suspicion or complaint of abuse

2.1.6    work closely with police, healthcare, social work, teachers, guardians as necessary

2.1.7    follow the local procedures for the Local Public Protection Committees

2.1.8    guardians will ensure that they practise safer recruitment in checking the suitability of staff and host families to work with children and young people


3          Designated Person(s)


3.1       Agnes Masters has been appointed the Designated Child Protection Officer (hereafter referred to as CPO) for EGA.  The designated CPO has overall responsibility for safeguarding at EGA.  The CPO is the Guardian at EGA and can be contacted on 07931 408977.  In the event that the CPO is not contactable or available the Assistant Child Protection Officers are Lorraine Forbes 07729 034981 & Liz Turner 07752 180331.  Parents are welcome to approach the DCPO or the Assistant CPO’s if they have any concerns about the welfare of any child in the care of EGA, whether these concerns relate to their own child or any other.


The Designated Assistant CPO’s


The Designated CPO’s and all Host Families have satisfactory Child Protection Training as approved by NSPCC and AEGIS.  This training is refreshed and updated every 2 years.



















Types of Abuse


Physical Abuse


Where a parent/carer physically hurts, injures or kills a child. This can involve hitting, shaking, burning and biting. It also involves giving child poisonous substances, drugs and alcohol, suffocation and drowning.


Possible signs


     Unexplained injuries or burns, particularly if they are recurrent

     Improbable excuses given to explain injuries

Re Sexual abuse


When adults seek sexual gratification by using children (boys and girls). This may be having intercourse, engaging in fondling, masturbation, oral sex, encouraging children to watch sexually explicit behaviour or pornographic materials.


Possible signs child may have:


     Be chronically depressed

     Be suicidal

     Use drink or drugs excessively


     Have unexplained pregnancies

     Become anorexic or bulimic

     Run away frequently

     Be inappropriate seductive

     Be fearful of certain people

     Have soreness/bleeding in the genital area or anal areas or in the throat

     Find excuses not to go home or to a particular place

     Have recurring nightmares/be afraid of the dark

     Be unable to concentrate

     Chronic ailments such as headaches, stomach pains

     Exhibit sudden change in school/work habits

     Be withdrawn, isolated or excessively worried

     Be fearful of undressing for gym

     Be wary, watchful

     Attempt to sexually abuse another child

     Talk about sexual matters

     Maybe itching or pain in the genital area

     Walking and sitting is uncomfortable

     Bed wetting, poor sleeping, eating patterns

     Underwear might be bloody or torn, may be discharge from penis or vagina



Sexual abuse


When adults seek sexual gratification by using children (boys and girls). This may be having intercourse, engaging in fondling, masturbation, oral sex, encouraging children to watch sexually explicit behaviour or pornographic materials.


Possible signs child may have:


     Be chronically depressed

     Be suicidal

     Use drink or drugs excessively


     Have unexplained pregnancies

     Become anorexic or bulimic

     Run away frequently

     Be inappropriate seductive

     Be fearful of certain people

     Have soreness/bleeding in the genital area or anal areas or in the throat

     Find excuses not to go home or to a particular place

     Have recurring nightmares/be afraid of the dark

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Become a Host Family with Edinburgh Guardian Angels

Opening up your home to become a host family with Edinburgh Guardian Angels is a unique, rewarding, fun and educational experience for all the family. It gives families a chance to meet new friends and experience different cultures and languages.

Welcoming an international student into your home will allow them to experience maximum immersion by living as ‘locals’. Also, hosting a foreign student gives them the opportunity to understand and experience Scottish culture.

To find out more, email Agnes at

Aegis Care Inspectorate Boarding Schools' Association SACPA